IRS Expansion Being Sold to the People
"If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear," They Say
As is typical of the US Congress, they are pushing to pass a bill under a title that means the complete opposite of what it indicates. The bill, known as “The Inflation Reduction Act,” would do nothing of the sort. Even ol’ Bernie Sanders, whose economic adviser1 is the mad hatter of money printing, recognizes the fraud for what it is.
“Madam President, I want to take a moment to say a few words about the so-called inflation reduction that we are debating this evening. And I say so-called, by the way, because according to the CBO, and other economic organizations that study this bill, it will, in fact, have a minimal impact on inflation.” - Bernie Sanders, August 6, 2022, on the Senate floor.2
But what bothers me most about the bill — aside from the fraudulent name and general destructive proposals within it (another discussion entirely) — is the $80 billion allocated toward beefing up the IRS.3 This, of course, seems to be the never-ending goal of a progressive mindset. Always, more money must be taken, more control must be asserted, more threats of compliance must be yelled. There is no defined ending of what is enough for them.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Do advocates of this IRS expansion not realize how destructively life changing an IRS audit is for a family? Although I certainly think taxation is immoral, destructive, and simply straight up theft, I do NOT advocate cheating on your taxes. The IRS will ruin you for failing to cross a “t” or dot an “i.”4
If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear, many will say. But Cardinal Richelieu understood this implication well5:
“If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.”
Investigate someone long enough, and you’ll find something wrong, regardless of intent. Governments throughout history, including that of the US, have abused the discovery of information to use against political enemies. Why empower this entity?
When is Enough Enough?
Why do people support this, I ask? What is the goal here? The whole notion that the government needs more money is absurd. In this mindset, no one shall escape the wrath of the extortioners, aka the IRS. Are progressive Americans simply not satisfied with the amount of money taken and given to nefarious people and organizations across the globe? Do they confuse charity with coercion? Or do they honestly believe that people shall pay up no matter into whose hands the money ends up? Do they honestly think that taxes go to help the little guy? I cannot figure it out.
Have they not seen this racket for what it is? Did Zelensky not get enough of Americans’ money to grow his Azov battalion? Did the Saudi government not get enough US funding and support to bomb Yemen further into the dirt, to continue that genocide? Did the US government not fatten the pockets of Pfizer and Moderna by forcefully promoting arguably worthless products, of which we are still not fully aware of the effects? Is Intel Corporation not being gifted enough tax loot to socialize the losses and privatize the profits of their new semiconductor factories? How much transfer of wealth to so-called “green” corporations will satisfy these people as large corporations make out like bandits by further duping Americans into thinking that lithium and cobalt batteries are good for the environment? How much more tax-dollar enrichment should the medical insurance industry receive through Medicare expansion, as if the “Affordable Care Act” didn’t empower insurance companies enough? I could go on for an eternity.
Yeah, yeah, I hear the rebuttals now … “but, that just means we need more oversight,” or “if we just taxed the big corporations more, then the little guys would be better off,” or even “if we just voted the right people into office, the money would go to good causes.”
Get real and open your eyes — and make sure it is both left and right eyes. Remember that under 4 different administrations, the US government lied to the American people about what was really going on in Afghanistan. They dumped more and more taxpayer money into the hands of the military industrial complex, all while treating thousands of troops as cannon fodder. And what is there to show for it today? Absolutely nothing but lives destroyed.
And to think the IRS would go after the big guys only, as if that was even just. More than half of the agency’s audits in 2021 were directed at taxpayers with incomes less than $75,000.
I ask all of you to promote charity, promote wealth education and generation, promote helping you neighbors’ out directly, promote financial independence, promote freedom. Reject this nonsense of empowering bureaucratic middlemen and money launderers. Don’t let your kids grow up to work for the IRS.
Good stuff. Didn’t know that fact about the IRS audits!